As excited as I am, every time Lily meets a new milestone it also reminds me that she is growing up and becoming her own person. She will no longer need me for everything, although, when it comes to diaper changing I can see some definite perks! In truth, the fact she is growing up makes me feel a bit sad. I finally understand why my mom cried when I left for school. Seeing my baby change; whether it's watching her first smile, figuring out her likes and dislikes, and hearing her babble nonsense, is amazingly rewarding! It surprises me that my husband and I find such entertainment watching Lily play with her toys, squawk at a stuffed animal, or try SO hard to start crawling. After all, only a year or more ago, I would have found this boring.
You may have caught on from my previous blog that I love lists. Therefore, since I'm being a bit melancholy about Lily changing, I thought I would attempt to show you I can also embrace it. So here are my TOP TEN REASONS IT'S GREAT YOUR BABY IS NOW SIX MONTHS OLD.
1. Poopy diapers are less frequent. Not only is this great for the environment and your sanity, but also your wallet. On calculation, a newborn baby uses at least 10 diapers a day. Let's say you are buying a diaper for approximately 25 cents each. That is at least 75 dollars a month. Compare that to changing your older baby only 6 times a day, because they are sleeping a solid stretch at night. That is 45 dollars a month. Yay for savings!
2. Your baby is sleeping longer than 3 hours at a time. (If not, you should be napping, not reading this blog). Hopefully your baby is also sleeping through the night at this point and you are once again feeling human.
3. Baby is now smiling. And don't forget the laughter. Need I say more!
4. Because of your baby's increased interaction and attention span, you finally get to connect more. This is especially true for hands-on-Dad's that can now see how interested their baby really is with them.
5. There's less "is my baby hungry, tired, or bored?" questions, because your little one is now much better at communicating. Baby has become increasingly adept at letting you know exactly his or her needs. Whether it's a high pitched squawk for milk, and a whine when tired, there will be little question in your mind.
6. Feeding demands (whether breastfeeding or bottle) have decreased. Except for the occasional growth spurt, your baby can now go for longer stretches before feeling hungry. This is especially true because you have likely started some pureed foods at this point. This is great for actually being able to leave the house and not be so tied down to the bed or couch.
7. Your baby is not growing quite as quickly anymore, so clothing can fit for longer. This means you don't have to feel so guilty about buying a cute outfit as you can always rationalize that they will still fit it in a month. If nothing else, the selection has increased at this age range- it's not just sleepers anymore!
8. You likely have more of a routine now. Perhaps your baby naps 3 times a day and goes down to bed at 7 pm. Or maybe he or she never naps and goes to bed at midnight. Either way, (whether you are lucky or cursed) a routine is nice because you both know what is normal. Plus, leaving your baby with a babysitter has just become that much easier.
9. It's been six months since your baby was born and your hormones are finally back at their 'relatively quiet' state. No more crying sessions in public places or while your spouse holds you looking confused.
10. If you always had a secret desire to be a nudist, your six month old baby is likely to help you towards this path. When you breastfeed your baby in public (attempting to be discreet by covering yourself with a nursing blanket) your baby wants none of this and is becoming very capable of throwing the blanket off. Therefore, if you are really lucky, your baby will choose to quickly unlatch to look at all the exciting things around them. This means your breast is now exposed for all to see. Thank you for pretending not to stare creepy man.
-Okay, this last one may be a joke, but it's so true! Lily does this ALL the time and I'm just thankful my friends and family can handle a little 'booby buffet' now and then.
Note: The four pictures shown are as follows: Lily 1 day old in the hospital; Lily 1 week old with Daddy (courtesy of Jan Stolee); Lily 5 months old with Daddy and her kitty, and one of my most recent pictures of Lily, almost 6 months old "helping" mom in the kitchen.
Hope you enjoyed! Question for today: What is your favorite milestone that your baby has reached, and why?